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FlureeQL Query Syntax

FlureeQL is a JSON-based query language for retrieving Fluree data. It is modeled as a JSON-representation of the W3C SPARQL standard.

Query Object

FlureeQL queries are JSON with the following keys:

fromyesstring or array
wherenoarray or object
selectyesarray or object
tnostring or integer
groupBynoarray or string
havingnoarray or string


Basic query example

"from": "cookbook/base",
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend"
"select": {
"?s": [
"bestFriend": [



Understanding the use of @context within the W3C JSON-LD standard can be important for using it propertly within queries. For an explanation of how to use @context in FlureeQL, consider first reading our Guides page on Working with Context.


Example of a Query without @context

"from": "cookbook/base",
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": ""
"select": {
"?s": [""]

Example of a Query with @context

"@context": { "schema": "", "ex": "" },
"from": "cookbook/base",
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Person"
"select": {
"?s": ["schema:name"]



The from clause specifies the ledger to query. It takes the same value that would have been supplied to the /create endpoint when the ledger was created.

If I named a ledger "cookbook/base" when I created it, then when I queried it, I would use "from": "cookbook/base" to identify that this query should target that particular ledger.


Querying a ledger named "cookbook/base"

"@context": { "schema": "", "ex": "" },
"from": "cookbook/base",
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Person"
"select": {
"?s": ["schema:name"]


yesarray or object

A select can be either a select object or a select array.

Select Object

With a select object, each key is a logic variable name and the value is an array of select expressions.

The select clause determines what objects are returned in query results. Each logic variable corresponds to a set of subjects, and a JSON object gets constructed for each subject. The array of select expressions describes how to build these JSON objects by specifying what predicates to include.

Select Object Examples

Simple select example

"select": {
"?s": [
{ "bestFriend": ["*"] }
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend"

Select Array

With a select array, each element is a logic variable name or a select object. When your select clause is a select array, each element of the query results is an array.

Select Array Examples

Logic variable

"select": ["?s", "?name", "?friend"],
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend",
"name": "?name"

Logic variable and a select object

"select": [
{ "?s": ["*"] },
{ "?friend": ["*"] }
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend",
"name": "?name"

Logic variable name

Logic variables are placeholders for sets of subjects. They are identified by logic variable names.

Logic variable names are strings that begin with a question mark, ?, followed by alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.

See the tutorial section on queries for information about logic variables.



Select expression

Select clause objects map logic variables to select expressions. In the select clause below, "?s" identifies a logic variable and ["name", { "bestFriend": ["*"] }] is a select expression.

"select": {
"?s": [
{ "bestFriend": ["*"] }
"where": { ... }

Select expressions describe the shape of data to be returned for subjects. It specifies what predicates to include in the result object, and how to traverse predicates to return nested values.

A select expression can be one of:

  • A predicate, like "schema:name". When included, the corresponding value is returned in the result object.
  • The wildcard symbol, "*". When included, all of a subject's predicates are included in its result object.
  • A node object template. This describes how to traverse nested predicate valeus.


// wildcard
// predicate
// node object template; see below
"schema:address": ["*"]

Node object template

Node object templates are objects where the keys are predicates, and the values are arrays of select expressions. Node object templates express for the given predicate, construct an object that contains the predicates described by the array of select expressions.

predicate: [select-expression, select-expression, ...],
predicate: [select-expression, select-expression, ...],


Return an object that has all predicates for the node that "bestFriend refers to

"select": {
"?s": [
{ "bestFriend": ["*"] }
"where": { ... }

Multi-level nested object

"select": {
"?s": [
"bestFriend": [
"address": [
"where": { ... }


noarray or object

You can think of a FlureeQL query executing in two phases: the where phase and the select phase. The where phase filters and returns sets of bound values that the select phase can use to construct JSON objects. The where clause may return node subject ?bindings that we then use with select expressions like "*" to perform graph crawls from those subject nodes.

The where clause may also retrieve all the bindings we need, and we simply instruct the select clause that we want those bindings returned directly as query results.

In any case, in addition to establishing logic variables for bound values, we use the where clause to establish various data constraints for the data we are interested in querying (e.g. filtering by a particular predicate value, or expressing optional and outer-join data conditions).

When a where clause is an array, it can combine a series of where conditions and where operations.

Where condition

A where condition describes relationships between nodes that must be satisfied for the nodes to be included in result sets, and it names those sets.

For example, in this where condition:

"@id": "?s",
"schema:name": "Sheil"

a set of subjects that have a "schema:name" equal to "Sheil" is bound to the logic variable named "?s".

In this where condition:

"@id": "?s",
"schema:name": "?name"

two sets become available to select:

  • "?s" is the set of nodes that have any data on the predicate, "schema:name"
  • "?name" is the set of value nodes that the "schema:name" predicate points to

Multiple where conditions are implicitly joined with a logical AND. For example, given these two where conditions:

"@id": "?s",
"schema:name": "Freddie",
"schema:familyName": "Mercury"

the set "?s" would include all nodes that have both a "schema:name" of "Freddie" and a "schema:familyName" of "Mercury".

A node that satisfies ONE of those conditions but not BOTH would NOT be bound to ?s

Successive where conditions

A where clause can express multiple, successive where conditions as either an array of objects or as nested, related objects.

The following two examples are effectively equivalent:

"where": [
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend"
"@id": "?friend",
"schema:name": "?name"

"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "?friend",
"schema:name": "?name"


In the second example above, because the conditions on ?s and ?friend are nested in a single, hierarchical JSON object, we could even remove the "@id": "?friend" line, if we didn't need to use it in the select statement. We need it in the first example to relate the two nodes to one another, but in the second example, we could have just as easily used:

"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": {
"schema:name": "?name"

Finally, it is possible in where conditions to express a logic variable for a set of properties matching a particular condition. This is commonly done for one of two reasons:

  1. We have identified a subject IRI, and now want all the properties with object values on that entity, or
  2. We have an object value, and now we want all the properties that have that value.
Example of a where condition that uses a logic variable for a set of properties

"where": {
"@id": "",
"?p": "?o"

Where operations

Where operations allow you to express more complex behavior than where conditions. There are four such operations:

Where operations are represented as arrays, where the first element is the name of the operation, and the subsequent elements are arguments to the operation, for example:

{ "@id": "?s", "schema:name": "?name" },
{ "@id": "?s", "schema:age": "?age" }


The "filter" operation lets you make comparisons beyond simple equality. For example, if you wanted to select all people older than 45 and younger than 50, you could write this:

"where": [
{ "@id": "?s", "schema/age": "?age" },
["filter", "(> ?age 45)", "(< ?age 50)"]
"select": { "?s": ["*"] }

Filter expressions

Filter expressions are strings that represent lisp-like expressions which can use your logic variables to return boolean values. When you have multiple filter expressions, an implicit AND is used to join them.

Take this example:

["filter", "(> ?age 45)", "(< ?age 50)"]

With lisp, expressions are enclosed in parentheses. You can think of the first element of the expression as a function, and the rest of the elements as arguments. In the first filter expression, "(> ?age 45)", > (greater than) is the function, and the arguments are ?age and 45. In English this would read as ?age is greater than 45.

Inside of each filter expression, you can refer to the logic variables that you've bound elsewhere in your where clause (i.e. the way that we use ?age as a variable in the example above).

Click here for a list of valid functions you can use in filter expressions.


The "union" operation allows you to express boolean OR logic (or in query terms, perform a full outer join). Take this query:

"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Person",
"schema:email": "?email",
"ex:email": "?email"

In the query above, if an entity does not have BOTH a value on schema:email and a value on ex:email AND if those two values are not identical (because we express ?email for both values), then that entity will not be bound to ?s.

But we can easily imagine a scenario where we know some entities have a value on schema:email and some have a value on ex:email, and regardless of which one they have, we want to return them in our query results.

This is where we can use union to express a logical OR condition (aka perform a full outer join on values of those two properties):

"@context": { "schema": "", "ex": "" },
"where": [
{ "@id": "?s", "@type": "ex:Person" },
{ "@id": "?s", "schema:email": "?email" },
{ "@id": "?s", "ex:email": "?email" }
"select": ["?s", "?email"]

In English, this query reads:

  • Return all subjects "?s" such that:
  • the subject has an @type (i.e. "rdf/type") of "ex:Person"
  • AND the subject
    • EITHER has the property "schema:email" (bind its value to "?email")
    • OR has the property "ex:email" (also bind its value to "?email")
    • OR has both properties


The "bind" operation allows you to bind a logic variable to a value. This can be useful if wanting to set a binding to the return value of a functional operation. We can use the same functions that we used in our filter expressions above.

Like filter and union, bind is an array where the first element is the name of the operation. In the case of bind, the following pairs of elements are the logic variable to bind and the expression to evaluate.

["bind", "?canVote", "(>= ?age 18)"]

Example of a where operation that uses bind

"@context": { "schema": "" },
"where": [
{ "@id": "?s", "schema:age": "?age" },
["bind", "?canVote", "(>= ?age 18)"]
"select": ["?s", "?age", "?canVote"]

Click here for a list of valid functions you can use in bind expressions.


The "optional" operation allows you to use logic variable bindings for values that may or may not exist. This is similar to a left outer join in SQL.

For example, if you wanted to select all people and their best friends, but if you didn't want the query results to implicitly filter out people who had no values on bestFriend you could write this:

"@context": { "ex": "" },
"where": [
{ "@id": "?s", "@type": "ex:Person" },
["optional", { "@id": "?s", "bestFriend": "?friend" }]
"select": ["?s", "?friend"]

When the where clause of the above query executes, ?s will be bound to all entities of @type, ex:Person. If we had NOT used optional on the next line, then any ?s entities with no value on bestFriend would be implicitly dropped from the ?s result set. But, because we used optional, those entities will be retained in the ?s result set, and ?friend will be bound to null for those entities.

optional, like filter, union, and bind, is an array where the first element is the name of the operation. In the case of optional, the following elements are the where conditions to evaluate.

NOTE: There is a difference between the following two optional operations:

  1. ["optional", { "@id": "?s", "bestFriend": "?friend"}, { "@id": "?s", "name": "?name"}]
  2. ["optional", { "@id": "?s", "bestFriend": "?friend", "name": "?name"}]

In #1, an entity could have a value on either bestFriend or name, and that value would then be bound to ?friend or ?name, respectively (the other would be null).

In #2, if an entity had only a value on either bestFriend or name, then BOTH ?friend and ?name would be bound to null.


If you are used to SQL datbases and queries, you might be confused why we call this operation optional. In SQL, it is possible to persist null values on a column for a particular row.

It is important to remember that JSON-LD expresses a serialization of RDF triples. In the world of RDF triples, there are not null values. If a subject does not have a value on a particular predicate, then that subject simply does not have a triple with that predicate--or said differently, the triple simply does not exist.

When we use optional, we are saying "if this triple exists, then bind the value to the logic variable, otherwise bind null to the logic variable."

Valid Functions for Use in Filter and Bind Expressions

andlogical AND (same as &&)(and ?isRegistered ?canVote)
&&logical AND (same as and)(&& ?isRegistered ?canVote)
||logical OR(|| ?isAnAdult ?canVote)
!logical NOT (same as not)(! (strStarts ?url \"http\"))
notlogical NOT (same as !)(not (strStarts ?url \"http\"))
=equal(= ?age 45)
not=not equal(not= ?age 45)
>greater than(> ?age 45)
>=greater than or equal(>= ?age 45)
<less than(< ?age 45)
<=less than or equal(<= ?age 45)
+addition(< (+ ?age 10) 45)
-subtraction(< (- ?age 10) 45)
*multiplication(< (* ?age 2) 45)
/division(< (/ ?age 2) 45)
quotinteger division(< (quot ?age 2) 45)
absabsolute value(> (abs ?age) 45)
roundround to nearest integer(> (round ?age) 45)
ceilround up to nearest integer(> (ceil ?age) 45)
floorround down to nearest integer(> (floor ?age) 45)
boundreturns true if logic variable is bound(bound ?age)
coalescereturns first non-null value(> (coalesce ?age ?defaultAge) 45)
nil?returns true if value is null(nil? ?age)
re-patternreturns a regex pattern, for use with re-find(re-find (re-pattern \"^http\") ?url)
re-findreturns true for regex matches(re-find (re-pattern \"^http\") ?url)
strStartsreturns true if string starts with substring(strStarts ?url \"http\")
strEndsreturns true if string ends with substring(strEnds ?url \".com\")
strLenreturns length of string(> (strLen ?name) 5)
containsreturns true if string contains substring(contains ?name \"fred\")
nowreturns the current time(> ?date (now))
ifconditional(if (> ?nums 30) (> ?age 100) true)
isNumericreturns true if value is numeric(isNumeric ?age)


nostring or integer

The t clause lets you specify a dateTime value or commit number to query against. We refer to this as a "time-traveling" query.

The t clause can take two possible values, an ISO 8601 dateTime string (expressing a particular moment in time according to the database state), or a commit integer (expressing a particular relative commit number in the history of the ledger).


Note that, while a commit integer expresses an actual moment of data state change, an ISO dateTime string likely expresses a moment in-between commits. The use of an ISO dateTime string, then, expresses an interest in the data state as of that moment in time.

That is, if commit #1 took place at '2023-10-30T12:43:38.452Z' and commit #2 took place 10 minutes later at '2023-10-30T12:53:38.452Z', then a query for a dateTime moment in the middle of those two commits, e.g. "t": '2023-10-30T12:48:38.452Z', would reflect the data state as of commit #1.

"@context": { "schema": "", "ex": "" },
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Yeti",
"schema:age": "?age"
"select": ["?s", "?age"],
"t": "2023-10-30T12:38:45.389Z"

Or the same query, but using a commit integer value for t:

"@context": { "schema": "", "ex": "" },
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Yeti",
"schema:age": "?age"
"select": ["?s", "?age"],
"t": 4


noarray or string

The groupBy clause lets you group query results by a predicate and perform aggregate operations on the groups.

For example, let's say you have a query that returns the name and company for all people in your database, and the results look like this:

"ex:company": "Fluree",
"ex:name": "Letitia"
"ex:company": "Fluree",
"ex:name": "Freddy"
"ex:company": "Beep Boop",
"ex:name": "Daniel"

You could group these results by ex:company to see who works for each company:

"@context": { "ex": "" },
"select": ["?company", "?name"],
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"ex:name": "?name",
"ex:company": "?company"
"groupBy": "?company"

This would return:

["Fluree", ["Letitia", "Freddy"]],
["Beep Boop", ["Daniel"]]

You can also perform aggregate operations on the grouped data. These operations let you answers questions like, "how many people are employed at each company?" or "what is the lowest price that a product has sold for?"

If you wanted to get a count of people per employer, you could write a query like this:

"@context": { "ex": "" },
"select": ["?company", "(count ?s)"],
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"ex:name": "?name",
"ex:company": "?company"
"groupBy": "?company"

And you would get results like this:

["Fluree", 2],
["Beep Boop", 1]


noarray or string

Having lets you filter on grouped data using arbitrary expressions.

NOTE: having is only valid when used with groupBy.

"@context": { "ex": "", "schema": "" },
"select": ["?name", "?favNums"],
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"schema:name": "?name",
"ex:favNums": "?favNums"
"groupBy": "?name",
"having": "(>= (avg ?favNums) 10)"

As English, this query would read: "Find all entities with names and favorite numbers. Group the results by name. Keep only results where the average of all ?favNums for a ?name is greater than or equal to 10."

If we had used a filter function without groupBy, then we would have been filtering on the average of all favNum values across all entities. By using, groupBy & having, we can filter on the average of only those values grouped to a particular ?name.