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Data Access Control

Fluree's data access control (DAC) system governs what data can be transacted and queried by users. It gives you very fine-grained control, down to policies like "admins can modify all values except other users' social security numbers" and "root users can modify all values, including social security number."

For example, if your database contained a graph like this:

graph TB alice -->|ssn| ssn1(111-22-3333) alice -->|givenName| Alice alice -->|ex:role| admin bob -->|ssn| 444-55-6666 bob -->|givenName| Bob cara -->|ssn| 777-88-999 cara -->|givenName| Cara classDef default ry:5,rx:5

alice would be able to update all values except the ssn of bob and cara. What alice can edit is highlighted in the graph below:

graph TB alice -->|ssn| ssn1(111-22-3333) alice -->|givenName| Alice alice -->|ex:role| admin bob -->|ssn| 444-55-6666 bob -->|givenName| Bob cara -->|ssn| 777-88-999 cara -->|givenName| Cara classDef default ry:5,rx:5 classDef nodeAllowed fill:#f7ce39,stroke:#f7ce39 class ssn1,Alice,admin,Bob,Cara nodeAllowed linkStyle 0 stroke:#f7ce39 linkStyle 1 stroke:#f7ce39 linkStyle 2 stroke:#f7ce39 linkStyle 4 stroke:#f7ce39 linkStyle 6 stroke:#f7ce39

This guide will show you how to make full use of the data access control system. By the end of this guide, you will understand:

  • How data access policies specify the scope of operations that a user can perform
  • The elements that compose a data access policy
  • How to create and modify policies

Data Access Control overview

Data access control is a general term for the methods data management systems uses to determine the allowed scope of a user's read and write operations. Different systems combine different tools and entities to define access. For example, with a file system you specify what user and group a file belongs to, along with read/write permissions at the user, group, and world levels.

With Fluree, you define data access policies (or just data policies) that specify role-based rules for what data can be transacted and what data can be returned by queries.

This terminology might be familiar to you, and if it is, it might actually be misleading. This is because the systems that are usually associated with these terms have different internal models than Fluree, and those internal models give rise to interaction patterns that are different from the ones you'll be learning here. It's like the difference between gas and electric stoves: sure, they're both stoves, but you can't rely on the unconscious habits you've picked up for working with gas if you're working with electric. You'd end up with some burnt eggs or whatever.

We're going to explore Fluree's internal model just enough for its interactions and behaviors to make sense. The internal model consists of two layers: the DAC management layer, and the DAC processor. The former governs how you create and update users, roles, and policies, and the latter governs the behavior that is produced when you apply policies to a query or transaction based on the user running that operation.

The brief version of how these two work is that DAC management layer treats DAC data the same as any other data: it's all just RDF that you transact and query like anything else. It just happens that if the data you transact contains properties that the DAC processor "understands," then that data will be used to modify the behavior of the transactor and query engine.

For example, if you transact a JSON-LD object that includes an "f:role" property, the DAC processor will treat it as a user with the given role when it's trying to figure out if that "user" has permission to modify some data. So when we say "the user did:fluree:TfCzWTrXqF16hvKGjcYiLxRoYJ1B8a6UMH6 has the role ex:moderatorRole, it means that at some point the following JSON-LD got transacted:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "did:fluree:TfCzWTrXqF16hvKGjcYiLxRoYJ1B8a6UMH6",
"f:role": { "id": "ex:moderatorRole" }

Let's explore DAC management and the DAC processor to fill out our understanding of how they work.

DAC management layer

You create, read, update, and delete Fluree's DAC data the same way you perform these operations for the rest of your data, using the same transact and query APIs.

You create a "user" by transacting a JSON-LD object that looks something like this:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "did:fluree:TfCzWTrXqF16hvKGjcYiLxRoYJ1B8a6UMH6",
"f:role": { "id": "ex:rootRole" }

Or you could assign multiple roles to a user like this:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "did:fluree:TfCzWTrXqF16hvKGjcYiLxRoYJ1B8a6UMH6",
"f:role": [
"id": "ex:studenRole"
"id": "ex:teacherAssistantRole"

At this layer, it's all just data that's no more special than any other data. Fluree's transact and query APIs don't treat the "f:role" property any differently than any other property, and ids that are formatted like did:fluree:xxxx aren't special either. When you transact this JSON-LD object it gets stored as RDF triples alongside the rest of the data in your database.

This differs from most other system. Other systems have distinct entity types for users, roles, and data access rules, along with entity-specific interfaces. For example, in postgres you have a CREATE USER command and a CREATE ROLE command as part of your toolkit for managing users and roles. By contrast, with Fluree data is data is data.

Data policies are also defined using RDF data, and you add policies to Fluree by transacting JSON-LD just as you would with any other data. Here's an example of some JSON-LD that defines a data policy:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootPolicy",
"type": ["f:Policy"],
"f:targetNode": {
"id": "f:allNodes"
"f:allow": [
"f:action": [
"id": "f:view"
"id": "f:modify"
"f:targetRole": {
"id": "ex:rootRole"
"id": "ex:rootAccessAllow"


For now, ignore what this data actually means; we're just focusing on the fact that this is just JSON-LD. Later we'll talk about how to interpret this data and construct policies.

Like other JSON-LD objects, this object has an "id" key. It also has a "type" key, which is aliased to "rdf:type". But it's just data.

Fluree's data access control implementation thus aligns with the spirit of RDF and the semantic web: pretty much everything, including access control policies, can be described using RDF. We don't need to establish some special kind of data entity to define access policies; we can use RDF like we do with everything else. It just happens that Fluree was written in such a way that its DAC processor can use this data to modify the behavior of the transactor and query engine.

This is similar to how RDFS properties and SHACL rules can define behaviors for processing RDF data, while being implemented as RDF data. There's nothing inherently special about the f:targetNode predicate, just as there's nothing inherently special about the rdf:type predicate. It's the systems that interact with this data that give meaning to it by attaching behaviors to the data.

How the Data Access Control processor works

Once you've added data that the DAC processor recognizes, it uses the data to drive the behavior of the transactor and the query engine. On the transactor side, it either allows or prevents users from modifying nodes and properties, and likewise on the query side it either allows or prevents users from reading nodes and properties. The rest of this guide explains how to define the behavior you want at a very fine-grained level.

Fluree implements data access policies as subjects that have the following properties:

  • A type of f:Policy
  • One of f:targetNode or f:targetClass
  • One or both of f:allow and f:property

(These properties are explained below.)

A data access policy specifies the set of actions that users with a given role can perform on a given set of nodes. If you need finer-grained control, policies also let you specify the actions that roles can perform for node properties, and even the relationships that must hold between a user and a node's properties (for example, you can have a rule that states users can update a social security number for a node only if the IRI for the node is the same as the IRI for the user.)


Nodes are the subjects and objects in an RDF dataset. Property is a synonym for predicate.

Let's use the example from earlier to get a high-level understanding of how the pieces fit together, then examine each piece in greater detail. Here's the JSON-LD for the data access policy:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootPolicy",
"type": ["f:Policy"],
"f:targetNode": {
"id": "f:allNodes"
"f:allow": [
"f:action": [
"id": "f:view"
"id": "f:modify"
"f:targetRole": {
"id": "ex:rootRole"
"id": "ex:rootAccessAllow"

f:targetNode specifies which nodes this policy applies to. In this case, its value is {"id": "f:allNodes"}, which is a value that Fluree ships with which means "all nodes in the database".

f:allow specifies a set of roles, and the actions that users with those roles can take for the given set of nodes.

The full meaning of this policy is, "users with the role ex:rootRole can view and modify all nodes."

How to specify users and roles for queries and transactions

The DAC processor uses user and role data supplied under the "opts" key in your query or transaction to figure out how to apply policies. We'll use the term Active Identity to refer to these values.

If your "opts" key of your API call contains one or both of "did" and "role", then that API call includes an Active Identity. If "opts" does not contain either of these values, then your API call does not include an Active Identity.

Here's a query that specifies a role:

"@context": {
"ex": ""
"select": {
"?s": ["*"]
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Product"
"opts": {
"role": "ex:rootRole"

When you specify a role like this, the DAC processor will use the associated policies to filter results so that they only contain nodes that that node is allowed to access. When there are no policies granting access to a node for the given role, then that node will be filtered out of the results.

You can also specify a user for a query or transaction with the "did" key under "opts":

"@context": {
"ex": ""
"select": {
"?s": ["*"]
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"@type": "ex:Product"
"opts": {
"did": "did:fluree:TfCzWTrXqF16hvKGjcYiLxRoYJ1B8a6UMH6",
"role": "ex:rootRole"

This query specifies the role "ex/rootRole" as part of the Active Identity. When combined with the policy shown above, the DAC processor will allow the data selected by the query to be returned because the policy specifies that users with a role of ex/rootRole can view and modify all nodes.

If you don't supply an Active Identity with your query or transaction, then Fluree doesn't apply any policies and defaults to granting full read and write access to your data.

That's a broad outline of how policies and request data work together to produce behavior. Now let's look at each individial part.


Fluree makes it possible to specify identities and roles directly in a query or transaction under "opts". However, you might not always want to directly expose this feature to the users submitting queries and transactions.

Fluree Nexus, our hosted solution, strictly evaluates the identity of the active user through signature validation and/or API keys. You can configure your self-hosted deployment to use this pattern, but that's not covered in this document.

How to write a data access policy

Every data policy must include the following:

  • Basic metadata (id and type)
  • What nodes to target (targetNode or targetClass)

A data policy must include at least one of the following:

  • f:allow to specify node-level permissions (whether users can read or write any properties for targeted nodes)
  • f:property to specify property-level permissions (whether users can read or write specific properties for targeted nodes)

Basic metadata

Every data policy JSON-LD object must include a "id" key and a "type" key, like this:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:myPolicyName",
"type": "f:Policy"

The "id" can be any valid IRI but "type" must be "f:Policy". This is how Fluree knows that the node designated by "id" is a data access policy.

Targeting nodes

You must tell the Data Access Control processor what nodes a policy applies to; these are target nodes. To do that, you include one of the following four properties in your policy:

  • f:targetNode
  • f:targetClass
  • f:targetSubjectsOf (not yet available)
  • f:targetObjectsOf (not yet available)


Target just the node with the given IRI, or use the IRI "f:allNodes" to target all nodes.


Target the node with IRI "ex:MaryOliver"

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootRole",
"type": "f:Policy",
"f:targetNode": "ex:MaryOliver"

Target all nodes in the database

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootRole",
"type": "f:Policy",
"f:targetNode": "f:allNodes"


Target nodes with an rdfs:Class value that's either equal to or a subclass of the given class.


_Target all nodes that have an "rdfs:Class" of either "ex:User" OR subclass of "ex:User"__

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootRole",
"type": "f:Policy",
"f:targetClass": "ex:User"


(not yet available)


(not yet available)

Node-level permissions

The f:allow property is a set of node-level permissions for the targeted nodes. Permissions are "just data" in the same way that data access policies are just data, and pretty much everything in RDF land is just data. They are subjects that have the properties the DAC processor expects. The JSON-LD you write to define a permission should have the following keys:

  • "id"
  • "f:action"
  • "f:targetRole"

Here's an example policy that includes "f:allow":

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootPolicy",
"type": ["f:Policy"],
"f:targetNode": {
"id": "f:allNodes"
"f:allow": [
"id": "ex:rootAccessAllow",
"f:action": [
"id": "f:view"
"id": "f:modify"
"f:targetRole": {
"id": "ex:rootRole"


id should be any valid IRI. Note that you must be careful here not to create naming collisions; each separate permission must have a unique IRI or you'll inadvertently overwrite values for an existing permission.


f:action should be a set containing one or both of the following:

  • {"id": "f:view"}
  • {"id": "f:modify"}


f:targetRole specifies which user role this permission applies to. The permission is applied if one of the following are true:

  • The user specified in the Active Identity has a f:role property equal to f:targetRole
  • The Active Identity includes a role equal to f:targetRole

f:targetRole does not rely on rdfs:subClassOf or other kinds of inference.

Take the following policy definition:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": ""
"id": "ex:rootPolicy",
"type": ["f:Policy"],
"f:targetNode": {
"id": "f:allNodes"
"f:allow": [
"id": "ex:rootAccessAllow",
"f:action": [
"id": "f:view"
"id": "f:modify"
"f:targetRole": {
"id": "ex:rootRole"

In this example, the ex:rootAccessAllow permission specifies that a user with the role ex:rootRole can view and modify the target nodes (which happens to be all nodes in this example because the f:targetNode is {"id": "f:allNodes"}).

Property-level permissions

f:property refers to a set of property rules for the targeted nodes. The JSON-LD for a property rule should have the following keys:

  • "f:path"
  • "f:allow"

Here's an example of a Data Access Control policy that includes a property rule:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": "",
"schema": ""
"id": "ex:UserPolicy",
"type": ["f:Policy"],
"f:targetClass": { "id": "ex:User" },
"f:property": [
"f:path": { "id": "schema:email" },
"f:allow": [
"id": "ex:emailViewRule",
"f:targetRole": { "id": "ex:userRole" },
"f:action": [{ "id": "f:view" }]
"f:path": { "id": "schema:givenName" },
"f:allow": [
"id": "ex:givenNameViewChange",
"f:targetRole": { "id": "ex:userRole" },
"f:action": [{ "id": "f:view" }, { "id": "f:modify" }],
"f:equals": { "list": ["f:$identity", "ex:user"] }

This policy says that a user with the role ex:UserRole can view the schema:email property for a node, but can't modify it. A user with that role can also view or modify the schema:givenName property for a node IF the node has the property ex/user, and the value of the property is the same as the Active Identity for the query or transaction.


f:path specifies which property is targeted. Its value should be an IRI, like {"id": "schema:givenName"} above.


f:allow lets you specify permissions for a property similarly to how f:allow lets you specify-level permissions. In addition to the properties id, f:targetRole, and f:action, it has the optional property f:equals.

f:equals gives you a way of comparing a property reachable from the did of the Active Identity to the node specified by f:path for this property rule.

To illustrate this, we need to look at a combination of:

  • stored business data
  • property access policy
  • Active Identity

For the business data, let's say that our database contains this graph:

graph LR did(did:Tf5M4) -->|ex:user| alice(ex:alice) did -->|f:role| ex:userRole alice -->|type| ex:User alice -->|schema:givenName| Alice bob(ex:bob) -->|type| ex:User bob -->|schema:givenName| Bob product(ex:product) -->|schema:productName| Soap product -->|type| ex:Product

Here's the relevant property policy:

"@context": {
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"f": "",
"ex": "",
"schema": ""
"f:path": { "id": "schema:givenName" },
"f:allow": [
"id": "ex:givenNameViewChange",
"f:targetRole": { "id": "ex:userRole" },
"f:action": [{ "id": "f:view" }, { "id": "f:modify" }],
"f:equals": { "list": ["f:$identity", "ex:user"] }

This policy means, "when the node pointed to by the ex:user property of the "did" in the Active Identity is equal to target node, then this policy applies to the schema:givenName property of the target node."

That is a mouthful; assume that we're running a query where the "did" of the Active Identity is did:Tf5M4. The highlighted diagram below illustrates how the nodes and policies are being treated:

graph LR did(did:Tf5M4) -->|ex:user| alice(ex:alice) did -->|f:role| ex:userRole alice -->|type| ex:User alice -->|schema:givenName| Alice bob(ex:bob) -->|type| ex:User bob -->|schema:givenName| Bob product(ex:product) -->|schema:productName| Soap product -->|type| ex:Product classDef targetNode fill:#f7ce39,stroke:#f7ce39 class alice,bob targetNode style did fill:#ff983b,stroke:#ff983b style Alice fill:#57f57f,stroke:#57f57f style Bob fill:#ff5f43,stroke:#ff5f43 linkStyle 0 stroke:#ff983b linkStyle 3 stroke:#f7ce39 linkStyle 5 stroke:#f7ce39
  • The nodes in yellow, ex:alice and ex:bob, are the target nodes for the policy as a whole
  • The paths in yellow, schema:givenName, are the target properties for the property policy
  • In the f:equals path, the property f:$identity points to the node did:Tf5M4 (orange), and the property ex:user (orange) points to ex:alice
  • Since the f:equals path points to ex:alice, and the property policy's path is schema:givenName, it's possible to view and modify the schema:givenName for ex:alice
  • Therefore the node Alice (green) is accessible, and the node Bob (red) is not
  • The subgraph that includes ex:product is not targeted by this policy

Naming permission nodes

TODO explain the inclusion, or not, of id for f:allow permissions

Relationship-Based Access Control (RelBAC)

Here at Fluree HQ we say that Fluree provides relationship-based access control. The section above shows what we mean by this. Property-based permissions can stipulate the relationships that must hold between properties of the Active Identity and properties of the target nodes in our access policies.

This means that two users who have the same policies can still have different, user-specific access permissions to the same data. In the example in the last section, ex:alice and ex:bob could both have the role ex:userRole, but they would not be allowed to modify the same schema:givenName property for the same nodes. ex:alice can modify her own schema:givenName and ex:bob can modify his; they can't modify each other's.